I didn’t change the title, but without access to the original article, it seems like a correlation not causation.
My guesses are that there ate multiple factors at play:
- less educated people make more kids
- “nice guys finish last” - assertive and more socially active people are more likely to find a partner and make children
- forcing others to follow perceived social dynamics means internal pressure to follow them oneself; having children is a social norm and expectation that is expected to be followed
I’d try and look for papers to see if my guesses hold any water, but time eludes me.
Rapists are definitely bullies also.
We have 5 children, I was unaware that we are such terrible stupid people.
Damn, sorry you had to find out like this fam.
My whole day is ruined
Stop bullying him!
Help me, science!
Is doctor girlfriend okay?
Is that the villainess with whom my son has been carousing about?
Have you not had your morning coffee yet? 😄 The study purports that bullies have more kids, not that people with more kids were/are bullies. It investigated the relation in one single direction, not both.
I think being assertive and more socially active meaning you’re more likely to be a bully is a bit of a myth. Although the cliché school or work bully may be assertive and socially active, there are many unpopular and awkward people who bully those around them, and it just goes unnoticed.
I think being assertive and more socially active meaning you’re more likely to be a bully is a bit of a myth.
You are reversing the implication that I’m guessing 😉
I guess a purely statistical consequence of this would be that the typical child has a greater-than-random chance of having a bully parent, and that chance increases with the number of siblings.
The study seems to mention that the bullies have children at an earlier age. I’d be willing to guess that the relation between having more children and bullying is purely correlative and that neither factor has any direct impact on the other. Instead, it seems significantly more likely that impulsiveness drives both bullying behavior and unsafe sex, which then leads to more children.
It seems somewhat odd to me that, instead of addressing possible mechanisms of this correlation, the authors talk about how bullying is an evolutionary trait to pass on genes.
It seems somewhat odd to me that, instead of addressing possible mechanisms of this correlation, the authors talk about how bullying is an evolutionary trait to pass on genes.
Yeah, that’s why I want to get my hands on the study. Maybe the authors did consider that but the article is misrepresenting the study.
Each has a strong inverse relationship with socioeconomics.
I am not saying being poor makes a kid a bully. My parent was poor and I only ever bullied bullies (and stopped when they stopped).
It’s just a nondescript statistical relationship. As to why it exists, I don’t know. My guess is greater baseline stress, less emotional support, and higher chance of domestic violence.