Fast and simple tutorial would be great.

Also, what kind of a thing is available to host from a mobile device?

  • Owner_of_donky
    10 months ago

    My best guess would be termux with containers. Other thing to try is to see if your phone is supported by ubuntu phone or any other linux distros for phones.

    • KeskOPMB
      10 months ago

      Thanks, I will look into that.

    • AliceA
      10 months ago

      was going to say the Same. lve got Termux on mine

  • AliceA
    10 months ago

    The andronox app with termux

  • KeskOPMB
    10 months ago

    @Alice @Owner_of_donky @gray @splinter

    I have unlimited plan for internet and I use my phone as a modem for a few devices, including laptop which I need for my job, so the thing is pretty much always connected and alive. I also plan to buy a stronger smartphone because this one is running out of battery. I mean battery is 5000mAh, but it fell on 4000mAH recently because it had been connected constantly on 4-5 devices for over a year.

    It would be great to find a phone with exchangeable battery and stronger, but I doubt we will have those on market any time soon.

    That’s why I am asking for a phone hosting and I would need to test a connection for stability and speed. I have the same provider for a couple of years and so far it was good.

    This is what a robot spat out when I asked for hosting apps, some of them sound like a good thing to use. Let me know your opinion which one we can all use for something interesting.

    Termux, a terminal emulator for Android, can be a powerful tool for running various Linux applications and services, including containerization. If you’re interested in hosting services from your phone using containers, you can use Docker or another containerization tool within Termux. Here’s a general guide on what you can host:

    • Web Server: Use a lightweight web server like Nginx or Apache to host a simple website or web application.
    • Database Server: Set up a database server using MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite to store and retrieve data for your applications.
    • Container Orchestration: Use tools like Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications. This is useful if you want to run several services that need to interact with each other.
    • Home Assistant or Smart Home Services: Run Home Assistant or other smart home services to control and monitor your smart home devices.
    • Git Server: Set up a Git server using GitLab or Gitea to host your code repositories.
    • File Server: Use a tool like Nextcloud or ownCloud to host your files and access them remotely.
    • VPN Server: Set up a VPN server with OpenVPN or WireGuard for secure remote access to your home network.
    • Monitoring Services: Use monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the performance of your hosted services.
    • Self-hosted Chat Services: Run chat services like Matrix Synapse or Rocket.Chat for private communication.
    • Containerized Development Environment: Create a containerized development environment with tools and libraries you need for coding on the go.
    • Media Server: Use Plex or Jellyfin to host and stream your media collection.
    • Network Analysis: Run network analysis tools like Wireshark or tcpdump for monitoring network traffic.

    To achieve this, you’ll need to install and set up a containerization tool like Docker within Termux. Keep in mind that hosting services from your phone may have limitations, including hardware resources, network stability, and power constraints. Additionally, running some services may require root access.

    Here’s a high-level overview of the steps:

    • Install Termux from the Google Play Store.
    • Install Docker within Termux (if not already installed).
    • Pull Docker images for the services you want to host.
    • Run containers based on these images.
    • splinterA
      10 months ago

      I don’t have any useful software suggestions beyond what and have already mentioned.

      On the connection side though, you have some challenges hosting off a mobile connection:

      1. Latency and loss are unavoidable, even with good reception you’re looking at a 30-50ms baseline latency.
      2. Mobile connections are usually pretty asymmetrical, so your upload bandwidth is probably going to be rather small.
      3. Mobile connections usually have dynamic IPs, which suck for DNS.
      4. This one’s the biggest hurdle, port forwarding is usually not a thing on mobile connections depending on carrier. What this means is you can open up port 80 or 443 on your phone for your webserver, for example, but the carrier will likely block those ports and you have no way of opening them.

      1 & 2 you can’t get around, it’s just what it is. Depending on what you want to do, it shouldn’t really matter that much. For 3 you can use a dynamic DNS service, however the option below will help you more. You can get around 4 by using a VPN service that offers static IP and port forwarding. You generally pay extra for these, but it’s not exorbitant, either or not it’s worth it is a question only you know the answer to. This also gets around 3 though.