Efforts to eradicate the disfiguring mosquito-borne infection lymphatic filariasis are advancing, but it is still rife in 51 countries
Archived version: https://archive.li/q2b8x
Oh no please don’t infect me with the melon sized penis disease.
Not penis.
Think Randy and all the South Park idiots bouncing around on their balls.
buffalo soldierrrrr
their the engine that drives the train!
I mean sure, but the comparison here would roughly be a parasite that causes a melon sized tumor
oninside of one of your ovaries.yeah I was just making a joke reference to an episode of the shield.
Ah. Never seen it.
I thought it was better than the sopranos. I would give my main gripe about the series but it involves a major spoiler for episode one.
A melondick is not the kinda dick you want