Abstract: This chapter continues to explore the applied aspects of MHapps and extends the arena to include technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI). Virtual companions (VCs) are AI social chatbot apps and programs produced for a variety of human desires. There are some VCs that have been developed particularly to support mental health, such as Woebot, and other apps that have not been designed solely to use as a MHapp but are advertised as incorporating wellbeing and enhanced mental health as an added benefit. In this chapter, we look at the emergence and potentialities of virtual companions and focus on a widely used example called Replika that is often marketed as an app that is beneficial for mental health. We examine how it has been conceptualized within the literature and draw on some data we have collected to exemplify its use as a MHapp.

Lay summary (by Claude 3 Sonnet): This chapter looks at apps and programs that use artificial intelligence (AI) to act like virtual friends or companions. Some of these AI companions, like Woebot, are designed specifically to help with mental health. Other AI companions, like Replika, are not just for mental health but are advertised as providing benefits for wellbeing and improving mental health. The chapter explores how these virtual AI companions are emerging and what potential they may have. It focuses particularly on Replika, which is a widely used AI companion that is often marketed as an app that can be helpful for mental health. The chapter examines how Replika has been viewed in research studies and uses some data collected by the authors to illustrate how it can function as a mental health app.