My Sunday’s going great! I’m in this weird hungry mood though and it got so bad that I’m now sketching a drawing that has this huge french fry burger in it haha 😂
Just a heads up though! You shouldn’t answer calls or respond to texts like this, because the AI can use a sample of your voice to scam your family and friends by mimicking you, and collect other data from you. If there’s a number that I don’t recognize I don’t answer it
Never answer suspicious calls or texts … delete them immediately and don’t give any response. Any time I get things like this on SMS, social media, phone calls, whatever and I don’t know who or what they are, or they are automated or digitally created - I delete them immediately, block the contact and report them (if you have this option) as quickly as possible.
By answering them and replying … you’ve just confirmed to them or the bot that you are a real phone number, you are human and that you respond to texts.
You’ll probably be getting more texts and calls in the future.
You didn’t play the spam text bot … the spam text bot played you.
I have a friend who at least used to answer calls from unknown numbers “hello, this is [their full name].” When I questioned them about it, they said something like “I don’t think my identity is valuable enough to hide anything.”
Even back then, when I was far less informed, I was taken aback by that.
That’s… Weirdly specific. Unless you are a medical professional, I suppose, in which case your contact information would probably be in some kind of registry.