I recently came to the realization that I’ve been kinda punishing myself with cheap no-name solder that is really difficult to work with.
I reluctantly bought this (rather expensive) lead free solder for around $25 and the difference really took me by surprise - it melts and flows so easily!
Kinda got me wondering what everyone else has been using for solder, or what’s worked well for you so far at least?
I use cheap trash solder, and dislike soldering, very possibly because of it
I’ll look into upgrading my solder, thanks 👍
I got some cheap solder with my solder station and it was the bane of my existence. Found some leaded solder I think I got from radio shack years ago and it works so well. I hate to say it but I haven’t yet had good success with unleaded solder. Someone please save me from the brain damage.
That’s just healthy, you’ll build up a resistance to lead poisoning
“What doesn’t immediately kill you always makes you stronger”
“What doesn’t immediately kill you always makes you stronger”