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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • For your final point, that’s not what that means. It’s not “observation” that collapses the wave function, at least as you’re understanding the word. It’s any interaction that requires the information to be known. That includes any particle interactions. It’s not consciousness that matters. When we “make a measurement” it’s only recording information of an interaction. It doesn’t actually matter that we record it, only that there was an interaction. There is zero metaphysical consciousness mumbo-jumbo involved.

  • Personally, I think it’s most likely that he’s composed of many people. It’s a bunch of stories which all got attributed as one person, which isn’t uncommon. Personally, though I’m far from an expert, I think there wasn’t a singular Jesus figure who actually existed, but rather a story of a figure named Jesus that rose from stories about other events.

    Like you said, it’s almost certain that something was happening around that time. In fact, there are many more Messiahs who were mostly forgotten. I just think it’s most likely that people told stories and those stories all merged together into another larger story, which then became the story of Jesus.

  • I forgot to get back to you. Two days later is better than never I guess.

    There’s hidden settings in Factorio if you hold down ctrl+alt while clicking the settings button in the menu. There will be a box called “The Rest” which contains more settings. One of these is for non-blocking saves on Linux/Mac at least. It allows your game to save without freezing. I have no idea if it works on the Switch or how you’d get to it without a keyboard, but I think there’s a way. I know it doesn’t work on Windows, but no one ever mentions the Switch, only that it work on Linux and Mac and not Windows.

  • Cethin@lemmy.zip
    tosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netLibertarians be like
    18 days ago

    I don’t agree with the assessment on slavery because in that system nobody would have the authority to sell another person in the first place. Although I suppose you could sell yourself and have indentured servitude.

    The issue is that, without protections, do people really get a choice? If all land is owned by the owner class and you need food, water, and shelter for you and your family to survive, and there is authority ensuring you can’t make use of things you don’t own, what choice do you have? You can die or you can work for the owners.

    It’s really not that different to today (what many will call wage slavery), except without protections they’ll force you to sign a contract ensuring you can’t work anywhere else without their permission. Without competition, they can force you to do whatever they want. You will “willingly” sign away your right to bodily autonomy because they won’t give you necessities unless you do.

    Edit and I guess I’m going to get all “no true scottsman” over here and say a libertarian that doesn’t believe in liberty and freedom isn’t a libertarian at all. But thanks for explaining it a bit.

    They believe in certain liberties and freedoms. You can’t believe in all of them because some are exclusive. Do you have the liberty to own slaves or does someone else have the liberty to never be owned? Do you have the liberty to rape a minor or do they have liberty to not have them happen to them?

    The name sounds great. However, liberty for some comes at the cost of liberty for others. If someone has the liberty to have authority of others, they’re depriving those others of their own liberty.

  • Cethin@lemmy.zip
    tosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netLibertarians be like
    18 days ago

    What you want to look at is anarchists. They want government protections for people from exploitation and harm, and freedom for the individual. Libertarians want freedom for the rich and powerful to exploit people however they can/want and for governments to protect them doing this.

    Basically boiled down and (over)simplified, Anarchism = freedom for the people, and Libertarianism = freedom for those with the means to hold it.

  • Cethin@lemmy.zip
    tosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netLibertarians be like
    18 days ago

    Because Libertarians don’t care about people’s rights (in the modern US usage at least). For example, without government legalization of slavery would be the default since nothing is stopping it. Libertarianism would say if you can afford to buy a person, and they ended up in slavery because they weren’t good enough or whatever, then it’s fair that you should be able to purchase them.

    Libertarianism is the philosophy of Ayn Rand. They’re the people who want to remove government so they can fuck children and exploit people. They don’t want liberty. They want authority, but by rich people not voters.

    What you are talking about is Anarchism. Government shouldn’t be telling people how to live their lives but should provide protections and assistance to allow them to live the best they can.

  • Part of the issue isn’t just that they added garbage, it’s that sites got better at targeting the algorithm. It’s like recipe websites that started to add stories because the algorithm prioritized that. No one was asking for it, but the algorithm was broken in unexpected ways and exploited.

    So, someone could make a new search engine with a different algorithm. If it becomes successful though, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes targeted and manipulated.

  • Cethin@lemmy.zip
    toMemes @ Reddthat@reddthat.comIt’s quicker
    22 days ago

    They are still the best option for heating water. At best, a microwave could match its performance if it is nearly perfectly efficient and dumping all it’s energy only into the water, which is what a kettle does. They have the same potential power draw, so they can put the same energy in as each other. A kettle’s design is perfect for heating water though.

    Unless you have an inductive stove top, an electric kettle is going to be the best option, even in the US. It’s the most efficient at putting energy into the water and, since all these options have the same power draw, it is consequently the fastest (again, assuming no inductive stove top which can draw more power).