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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • I don’t think you’re wrong, but I think you expect too much from people. Some people don’t have more to offer than virtue signaling and proviking outrage. Not everyone has the capacity to write a thoughtful and compelling argument. We’re hanging out on Lemmy writing comments to each other. It’s an open forum. There’s no entrance exams or rules against slacktivism.

    And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a slogan or a chant or a meme or a bumper sticker or a tshirt or a hat or a button or a plaquard or a tweet or an emoji being the summary of your message. It’s easier to share and easier to remember. Calling it “slacktivism” is itself a clever portmanteau to convey a much broader concept, instead of a thoughtful and compelling argument. But I’m not mad, because I understood what you were saying and do not need additional convincing.

    If you’re reading yet another article about police protecting a criminal because the criminal wears a badge, then “ACAB” is sufficient to share your point of view. It would be really cool if we didn’t live in a society where the term had any relevance, and nobody knew exactly what it meant. Sadly, the things we have shorthand for tell us the things we see a lot.

  • Three things happen during baking that change the flavor of a cookie.

    Maillard reaction, caramelization, and the melting of fats. There are more, but those are the three we’re going to talk about.

    The maillard reaction takes raw flour and turns it brown. It absorbs some of the sugar in the process, and creates a more complex, nutty flavor. Caramelization also browns some of the sugar, giving it a smoky, bitter flavor. They also give the cookie a firm or crispy texture.

    You also melt any fats, like butter, that are in the dough. Melted butter separates and spreads throughout the cookie.

    There’s also often an egg that helps build structure for the baked dough, and sometimes baking soda for fluffiness.

    This means uncooked dough is sweeter than a baked cookie. It has a soft, dense, and moist texture that disappears when fully baked. It’s butter and sugar held together with flour and egg, and it’s delicious.

  • She definitely said this, in 2007, when describing a law passed in San Francisco requiring the safe storage and handling of guns in the city. The law did not lead to any surprise inspections of the homes of gun owners, and the law has withstood several challenges in every level of the courts. It’s pretty clear to me from context and how the law was enforced that she was speaking about the right to privacy vs the responsibility to follow the law. She was not actually threatening to enter homes without cause and inspect anyone’s gun safe, although I can understand why it is being interpreted that way (especially by those motivated to create attack ads).

    There was also a provision in the same bill prohibiting gun storage in public housing, but that was ruled unconstitutional in 2009.