At work, sometimes I take a bathroom break just to escape. Don’t use the bathroom, I just wanna stop looking people I don’t care about around me and the noise. I’m not physically tired, since the job isn’t demanding that way, but mentally I can’t stand it. That’s the main problem, it’s a warehouse so it’s inevitable. In a perfect world I would be almost completely alone and the job would be a 15 minutes from my home at walking speed…

Both of it aren’t a reality.

  • NutinButNet
    2 months ago

    Definitely not alone. Sometimes I would walk around the office when I was still in office and talk to people or walk outside and just stare at the sky or the little nature park area we had. And sometimes I’d walk around a bit or go to the bathroom even though I didn’t need to.

    No one ever minded at work. Some of the managers used to do the same and I had a view of the outside and used to see others doing the same. Completely natural and normal and all rational people know this.

    Everyone needs a “smoke break” even if they don’t smoke. Just to take a breather.

      2 months ago

      Those little breaks make you more productive. Programmers get it. When you’re completely stuck, sometimes you have to drop it for a few. Sometimes even sleep on it.