• ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    Culturally Sweden may be more or less sexist than the US.

    Nah, the research has been done, the data is in. There is no “may”.

    But why don’t we push my argument as far as it can go and look at the country rated literally #1 in the world for gender equality, Iceland? It’s had that distinction for well over a decade, so it’s no flash in the pan you can accuse of being cherry-picked.

    Well, it turns out that according to Iceland’s most recent national census, the percentage of women in construction in the most gender equal country on the planet is SIX.

    I have already provided evidence in the form of Norway that disputes your pet theory.

    You cherry picked a country that has had national gender quotas since 2003–what, think I wouldn’t notice your sneaky little maneuver? You’re not going to get good information about what men and women freely choose to do for a living in a country that literally directly manipulates the sex ratio in the workforce.

    You conflate progressive laws with sexism itself

    No, you’re the one who does that, because you’re the one that assumes that the gap is in and of itself evidence of sexism. In reality, the evidence clearly shows that with less sexism, which translates to men and women being more empowered to make their own free choice about what they want to do for a living, men and women’s average differences in preference of career manifests more strongly.

    Your insistence that there is zero difference of preference between the sexes, and that therefore anything but a 50/50 ratio in an industry is indicative of sexism, is complete bunk.

    Men and women are not identical, no matter how much of a tantrum you throw. In the country consistently regarded as being the most gender equal, construction is dramatically more male-dominated than in the average country.

    Having progressive laws does not suddenly end sexism.

    No one said it did. But you’re arguing that progressive laws INCREASE sexism! lmao

    Your goofball ‘logic’ would place Iceland among the LEAST gender equal countries, closer to Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia than the US! Do you really not understand how you are literally arguing that up is down?