This is a pretty big release so I will roll this release out slowly.

The bulk of the release changes how actions work internally in the app. Actions are anything that a user performs that directly causes a change. Eg. creating a post or comment.

Changes to user actions were made to address an issue of the app. In the old version of the app, create post and create comment actions would be retried on network error. This caused issues where duplicate posts and comments can be created. To address this issue posts and comments will no longer be retried on error. Instead users will be given the option to retry these actions manually.

To facilitate these changes, the release refreshes the UI for the user actions screen and adds a shortcut on the “You” screen. It adds an additional details screen that can be seen by tapping any actions in the user actions screen. This new details screen allows users to retry/rerun an action or delete an action.

This release also continues to iterate on the “hide duplicate posts” feature introduced previously. This feature is still considered experimental as I anticipate further changes are necessary to make it usable.

This release also include many bug fixes and smaller user requests. See below for details.

Full changelog

  • Add shortcut to user actions screen in the “You” screen.
  • Add details screen for a user action.
  • Add ability to retry/rerun or delete actions.
  • Redesigned the user actions screen to be more user friendly.
  • Made the user stats tappable on the “You” screen.
  • Change post/comment actions to not retry. This is to prevent duplicate posts/comments.
  • Changed inbox screen to automatically update more frequently.
  • Rename “auto-hide duplicate posts” to “mark duplicate posts as read”.
  • Improve mark duplicate posts as read to recognize crossposts and original posts as the same post.
  • Improve markdown parsing for inline code.
  • Fix a bug where loading inbox pages past page 1 would cause the wrong page to be loaded.
  • Fix scrolling issues on the inbox screen.
  • Fix inconsistent theme issues in dialogs.
  • Fix bugs where duplicate posts were not correctly being marked as read when “mark duplicate posts as read” is enabled.
  • Update translations.


Pulled in all the latest translations. Releasing as v1.53.1.

Update 2

There was a change planned that was supposed to go out with this release but I forgot about it. I’m enabling it and releasing as v1.53.2.

The change is a QoL for the inbox screen. It felt awkward to see a notification for something new in your inbox, open the app, already be on the inbox screen but then have to manually refresh to see the new item. The change will cause the inbox screen to automatically fetch updates when certain conditions are met which should mean you will need to manually refresh less,

  • Changed inbox screen to automatically update more frequently.
    27 days ago

    This would make it an instant favorite for me! I think most people would be fine with limited developer interaction as long as they can post/discuss issues, but would be more comfortable with the project being open source.

      27 days ago


      I don’t mind a developer that does not take pr from others. But it would be a nice piece of mind when it’s open source.

      The developer is curryvery active, communication is too notch, and having a look at the future road map would be amazing.

      • idunnololz@lemmy.worldOPM
        26 days ago

        If the concern is that one day i will not updating the app entirely, i can do what i did for another project i worked on. Which is to promise that if that day comes i will fully open source the project. It sort of sucks since you have to trust me but it might be better than nothing.

        By the way you can already see the roadmap. Its one of the posts pinned in this community.

          26 days ago

          Didn’t know about the roadmap post.

          Thanks a bunch. Great app and developer as always.