As an outsider (I live in Belgium) it feels very weird and dystopian to see everything happening in American politics with Trump and Musk.

On one side, it’s very interesting and almost entertaining; on the other side, it’s scary. I can’t imagine what it must be like to live in the USA.

Americans, how do you cope? What’s your take on the situation?

    19 days ago

    So… we war with each other forever and that’s the end of the country? Just head straight for civil war? Your attitude does nothing to make things better. I understand the anger, it’s righteous indignation because this shit is just absolutely wrong and completely fucked up. But the problem is class warfare and kleptocracy, and you’re feeding right into it, picking the wrong enemy.

    Powerless people in bad situations make bad choices. They’re idiots, sure, but many voted on kitchen table issues, which Trump addressed, while Harris did not. Granted, once elected Trump promptly fucked off on that because he’s a grifter and that’s what he does.

    I can’t stand the Trump cult, and yeah people are idiots for falling for it again. As another idiot leader once said, “fool me once, sh…uh, c-can’t fool me again.” But as I noted previously, hungry, desperate people aren’t rational actors.

    I don’t pick who my donations go to, I just make sure I donate so food is available to those who need it.