So, to start, a lot of HS students with aspirations of going to a university of some sort have to spend a decent amount of their last year or 2 trying to court different colleges for scholarships (most of which are colleges you’ve never heard of offering like $400 off or something) and free ride scholarships are (and this is admittedly anecdotal) unheard of in my area (suburb near major city). Should more socialist minded youth without the means to go to college find jobs? I don’t say this out of an anti-education perspective or some sort of belief that colleges are too liberal of institutions or anything, if it was free for families to send their children to school, I’d be all for it. What do yall think? And feel free to give me book suggestions or quotes from Leftists if you have any that may apply to this, specifically on the topic of the US where college costs more annually on average than any other nation.

    7 days ago

    We need more socialist minded people in trade jobs. Of the few unions left, that’s where most of them are. And I can tell you, most of the people in those jobs fall for the right wing “hard working American” grift, and hate unions despite benefitting massively from them. So more socialist minded people might help turn the tide and save those unions.

    Most trade jobs are what’s going to the last to go when things start really falling apart. I have a buddy that’s in an electrician apprenticeship through a city sewer district. No matter what happens, people are going to need electricians and sewage system. People are going to need carpenters, welders, etc.

    If you are a comrade and are afraid you can’t afford college, look for trade jobs. If I was 10-20 years younger and knew then what I know now I’d have thrown away my aspirations for a degree and picked up some wire cutters and suffered the 5 years of an apprenticeship. My buddies making more as an apprentice than I did for the first 5 years after college with a science degree.

    So your options are, college and debt or an apprenticeship for 5 years that will (MAYBE) have you working ass hours and hating life, except the apprenticeship you will be net positive on income. ALSO, I went to college, and STILL had to get out and work ass hours at whatever job I could find. Leading me to almost become suicidal at one point due to the stress. I eventually found better work but it’s not even related to my field and when I eventually get fired for being a remote worker, I won’t have shit for local experience.

    So yeah, seriously consider trade jobs my comrades.