
        • UnhingedFridge@lemmy.world
          5 days ago

          Why even comment then? This is in Mental Health, and the person is actively going through an actual struggle, yet you want to throw in two cents after skimming? Get real, my dude.

          Your last sentence here would have been better guidance than the “go away” you essentially replied. Being toxic and building onto someone’s growing ideals that others are selfish and essentially worthless by proving that yourself isn’t the proper help that you think it is, and only pushes people that are already in a crisis into a worse mindset.

          If someone has no friends, you really think reaching out in an attempt to find a community away from the stress of physical interactions is bad? You genuinely think that everyone who is on the brink of losing their mind just has to find energy and effort that’s potentially out of their reach in order to begin healing? At least suggest therapy, self-introspection, journaling, meditation, fucking something.

          If you aren’t willing to put in effort, then save your damn comments to places they are actually welcomed and worthwhile. Congrats on your self-identified stable mental health though.