Removing billionaires is self defense, don’t let anyone tell you different. They commit acts of gross violence on the general populace every single day. It’s time to re-balance the scales.
I mean. I would never do something like this. And I don’t condone it. But people are free to do with their lives what they want. We have guns to fight tyranny.
Removing billionaires is self defense, don’t let anyone tell you different. They commit acts of gross violence on the general populace every single day. It’s time to re-balance the scales.
The amount of damage the disparity in wealth causes is difficult to understate.
Yeah, the existence of billionaires requires violence be perpetrated upon entire groups of people.
Max Stirner
I mean. I would never do something like this. And I don’t condone it. But people are free to do with their lives what they want. We have guns to fight tyranny.