A simple, straightforward, zero bloat command that brings you the Gods Word – from the Vatican and straight into your CLI.
Click here to check the code out and compile it with “gcc theholybible.c -o theholybible -static -O2”.
A simple, straightforward, zero bloat command that brings you the Gods Word – from the Vatican and straight into your CLI.
Click here to check the code out and compile it with “gcc theholybible.c -o theholybible -static -O2”.
Just updated the code so all new testament books are being fetched properly. (It wasn’t the case when I posted this at first glance.)
-EDIT- Updated the code again due to some old testament books not being properly fetched – should be g2g now.-EDIT2- Added a way to scroll between chapters. -NOW- it is g2g.Fixed some minors annoyances and some books -stll- not being properly fetched.