Can anyone help identify this type of aloe? I have three cuttings from the original plant that was given to my wife. They tend to grow upwards but cannot support their own weight and will break apart so I’m having trouble keeping them healthy. I feel like they should be growing out not up. If I knew what it was I was hoping I could maintain them better.

      4 months ago

      You need to get some drainage medium in that soil. Perlite, pumice or expanded shale. I do almost 50% of my soil as one/ a combination of the three. Granted I live in a very humid area so you may need less depending on where you are. Succulents need a lot of drainage and air around their roots. They’re also really etoliated, they need way more light.

      You may be over watering too, it’s hard to tell from the pic but the one that’s slumped over is a sign. Press the leaves, they should be firm with only a little give. If they feel squishy, they’re over watered. New soil should help but you should cut back on watering as well, especially while they’re recovering from being transplanted. Once a week when they’re growing and once a month when they’re dormant will do you just fine. It’s coming up on spring so they may start growing soon. Id recommend you put them in some better soil asap, that way they can build new roots and get to growing under better conditions. Best of luck!

    • AliceA
      4 months ago

      wish I knew. Looks good though

  • Hellbent@lemm.eeOP
    4 months ago

    They were all just watered a day or two ago which is why they look wet. and are all in succulent mix with rocks in the bottom go help keep them from tipping over and for the water to drain out.

    4 months ago

    Not sure on the ID because that plant is hella stressed. Might just be aloe vera, but could be juvenna. There can variety within a species that may explain some of the irregularities I’m seeing. Do you have a picture of the healthy mother?

    The soil needs to dry out between waterings to encourage root growth and prevent the plant from falling over. Chronically over watered aloe will get floppy and weak.

    They don’t do fantastically with a hot soil, I cut my Fox Farms Ocean Forest with coco coir and perlite at about 30/50/20 and I have gotten aloe vera to be about 30" wide 3ft tall with more babies than I know what to do with. The only time I fertilized was when I went up a pot size and I just added more of the same soil mix, planted the babies in it too. So if you are using miracle grow or an uncut hot soil, that is bad.