Edge of Disgrace gets all the hype but this one blew my mind back then. Felt silly but I teared up a bit, like the sub-1MHz machine of my youth was graduating from university, being able to make the color-cycling rotating hexagons. It’s a trick, right? A trick of the code, the raster, the eyes… but, then again, that’s all computer graphics.
Dane’s music is epic (of course!) but I feel this one really showcases SID’s beautiful filters while still being a little “bleepy” like any other 8-bit. Love when it comes roaring back after the disk flip. Big Pioneer speakers and I bet the neighbors think I’m very weird. 😂
As ultimately an outsider that just really appreciates the skill/craftsmanship and the aesthetics - and a kid of the 90s - I can only imagine how stunning this must feel, having grown up with the hardware. I can see it in retrospect, the developments and all, but having been “in” it, must be just one magnitude above that.