And when did you / the person you know realize he was scammed?

What tips do you have for people who haven’t lived this, so they don’t fall for it?

How long till they start asking for money?

What sites do scammers use? Can it be a facebook group or is it only limited to dating sites?

    2 months ago

    I knew a guy who was recently divorced. Talking to some girl on Facebook. He sent her nudes when she asked. She threatened to send them to all of his Facebook friends unless he paid. He said he didn’t give a fuck. Then nothing else happened.

    2 months ago

    I know a guy who got one of those Russian “mail order” brides. They had a kid together and then she divorced him as soon as she became a citizen, leaving the kid with him. She married some other guy eventually and still sees the kid, but she doesn’t pay child support. My friend comes from a traditional Asian culture and is significantly older than her. The sad thing is that he was shocked when she left, since they got along fine. I don’t think it was a scam exactly. More of a transactional relationship and she no doubt felt that she held up her end of the bargain for a reasonable enough amount of time (about 5 years, if I recall) and gave my friend a child on top of the marriage.

    2 months ago

    My sister in law fell for one, it was a passport scam where they claim to get detained and need to pay a fee or they will be deported.

    They took their time setting it up over several weeks and it worked. She realised when she was explaining to my missus and asking for more money and I raised the alarm.

    It was too late and the money was gone.

    Poor woman isn’t lucky in the romance department, or in looks. Im not surprised that she was so thrilled to get attention that she ignored all the red flags.