• Old_Fat_White_Guy@lemmy.world
    2 years ago


    Yesterday while driving on a two lane road with a bike lane there were two people on bikes. What appeared to be a man and a woman in full brightly colored garb and helmets. Both were weaving in the bike lane and/or riding on the dividing line between the bike lane and the road. At one point, as a few cars were approaching them from behind, one of them whips over into the center of the road for no reason other than to block traffic thereby forcing the overtaking cars into the oncoming traffic lane. There was no obstruction on the bike lane. The other rider proceeded with weaving about unpredictably. She simply couldn’t stand the idea of someone safely passing them and forced an unsafe condition for everyone involved…

    Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

    I pray that every bike she every rides has a slow leak in both tires no matter how often it is patched or replaced. The more time she spends off the road pumping up the tires, the less time she is endangering herself and others.

    Rarely is someone on a bicycle and not an asshole!

    • ccunix@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      For pulling out into the lane, it may have been called “taking primary”.

      If the road is not wide enough to pass them safely, that is the best place to be. That way drivers cannot try and squeeze through. Obviously, I cannot speak for the precise road conditions where this happened, but it is legitimate in certain circumstances. Traffic calming is a good example, as it makes the lane too small for a safe overtake. Add in the fact that most cycle lanes in cities are more dangerous than the main carriageway and you can see why cyclists will take the prime quite often.

    • SexyFlanders138@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      This is such a strange perspective. I’m not a bike rider, but never understand people’s issues with bikers, joggers, or anything on the road besides cars. Sure, assholes are everywhere, but nearly every biker? That has not been even close to my experience, and I mostly see cars/trucks being unnecessarily aggressive towards bikers and runners.