you might be an introvert, passionate about your job, or simply old enough to disregard friendships at work because you already have enough friends and a family.

The coworkers I like the most are the ones that come to work, don’t like drama, do their job and go home. That’s what I try to do.

However, there are always some established cliques who know how to play the unit / supervisor and get away doing much less, even feeling entitled to order you around, even though they are not your supervisor.

To people who experience this. How do you tolerate it? Even after changing jobs, this can happen at your new workplace, maybe it happens in every workplace?

    3 months ago

    If I am happy with my job, then I don’t care about what others are doing unless it directly effects me. I picked a line of work where I don’t really have to rely on too many other people doing a lot of work for me to do my job (auto mechanic). So if someone else is working slow, I don’t really care unless its the parts person or service writer. And if they’re being slow, I will just physically stand in front of them an watch them do whatever I need right there, then I can leave and keep working.

    Don’t compare yourself to other people, its a dangerous trap. Every person is different and capable of maintaining different work levels. Otherwise you mighr end up overconfident or depressed.

    If someone who isn’t your boss is ordering you around, just ignore them. They’re not your boss.