• weariedfae@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Trigonometry. My high school math teacher was a literal math genius and would always go deep into proofs and theory, sometimes not even getting to our homework stuff until the last 5 minutes of our 50 minute class. As a result I went from the “gifted” math group to nearly failing.

    When I went to college I had to take a math placement test and ended up in Math 99 (below college level math).

    It was there I was finally taught SohCahToa and everything clicked. I actually use simple trig a lot in my job now.

    • Krudler@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      I was very bright when I was young, but unless I was given practical application of knowledge, it just leaked out of my ear.

      I was exactly the same with trigonometry, I couldn’t understand it or why were even learning it.

      As soon as I started to get into programming and I wanted to have a gun with a bullet that had a certain speed, and it was going at a certain angle, and I needed to break down the horizontal and vertical components of the motion, all of a sudden it felt like I had invented trigonometry myself.

      I found that true of so many different things especially with math. No matter how much it was explain to me theoretically, it never made sense until I had a practical application and then it was just obvious to me.

      I wish more of my education was that way instead of just learning theory.