There’s this woman I work with who seems to have her accent change randomly.

Some days she sounds like a typical American accent, then others she sounds like she has a Caribbean accent and others she sounds like she has a French accent, and others she sounds like she has an Arabic accent. Other days her voice is super messed up, like she’s been screaming.

Beyond her voice changing, she is an odd person to work with. She’s gotten into public, loud vocal spats with other coworkers even in meetings. She was very nice and sweet with me when I first had to interact with her but that all changed when I made an honest mistake one time and she went off on me and wouldn’t stop until I ignored her and now I just keep my distance unless I have to. Others have said similar things about her as well.

I’ve wondered if maybe she has a personality disorder, but I would think that would also cause her to not do her job correctly?

I don’t know, I’m just curious. This is something I’ve never experienced before and wondering what this could be.

    8 months ago

    You’re welcome <3 You seem like a kind person, and those people are easily taken advantage of. I don’t like seeing people lose that kindness because they forget to put themselves first.

    This person you’re dealing with could have any number of good and valid excuses for their behaviour. But it’s still straight up abusive, and could equally stem from a harmful and malicious place. Unless you know for sure, the best you can do is not antagonise them.

    An official report would be valid in your situation. But I wouldn’t get involved any further. Just save her messages and any evidence you have of her behaviour, on the off chance it does escalate and you or another coworker need to protect yourselves