Hiya, so I have a spear RaspberryPI 4b, and want to selfhosted HomeassistantOS on it, heard there were some advantages of running the full OS and not just the docker container. However I currently don’t have a casing for it.

So: Is there anything I should know before buying one? Does the rpi get very hot running HomeassistantOS? E.g. Do I need one of these cases with a fan built into it? Or is it OK without?

Appreciate any tips or suggestions! however I will not order anything from Amazon or Ali Express or any of those type of websites. Feel free to recommend via them though as I might find the same case elsewhere, perhaps.


  • LifeBandit666@feddit.uk
    3 months ago

    Honestly I wouldn’t worry too much, I mean yeah get one with a fan but it’s not integral to getting it running.

    Install Home Assistant Operating System on an SSD when you can, SD cards aren’t made for the read/write you’ll get from HAOS but again, it’s not integral.

    So yeah do those things, but boot it without a case and SSD for now and just play with it. Get the Google drive backup add-on for it. When you upgrade to an SSD just pull the backup from there and you’re golden.

  • solrize@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    pishop.us and adafruit.com both sell flirc cases which are supposed to be very good. I decided to buy a pi 400 instead of a 4 a while back, since it already comes with case and a keyboard at lower cost than buying that stuff separately, plus at the time it was still hard to buy pi 4’s. No idea about home assistant os which doesn’t sound like something i’d want to run.

  • Possibly linux@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    I personally would go for a computer over a raspberry pi. You can pickup a minipc for $150 USD or less and it will perform better. You can go with new or used depending on pricing and what you want.

    Edit: I missed the point where you had bought one (raspberry pi) already