I’m currently on TenForward.social, which is great. I have no issues with the users or admin. They’re all good people. But I’m more of a casual Trek fan and posting about anything non-Trek-related doesn’t seem to be what the other members want to engage with. I like to post about sci fi or horror movies I’m watching, games I’m playing, old TV shows from the '90s and '00s, and other geeky things I’m into; but it’s like I’m talking to myself when I do.

I know there’s also the global feed, but that’s like spitting into the ocean.

I’ve tried to find more of a general media or geek-culture focused instance but have come up dry. Does anyone know of something along those lines?

  • farcaster@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If you’re happy with your instance, there’s arguably no need to switch. Just follow people anywhere on Fedi and interact with them. Before you know it you’ll have a community.

    I ran my own Mastodon instance for a while, and it didn’t matter I was on a server with only one user (me). It’s all about following, followers and interacting. The instance itself fades away quickly.