Damn, that’s depressing as fuck future me should set higher standards cause present me is a walking disaster
Is the lesson, “Don’t take walking for granted.” ?
Knees aren’t guaranteed…
One can appreciate the sentiment of the quote to value every minute while you have it, but under a more optimistic lens, the quote is not always true. I was 10x unhealthier 20 years ago than today, and I would give anything to never be there again. We all walk a different path.
I hope I’m going to be you in the future. I’m in my late 20s and straight up not having a good time, health-wise.
This is terrible. I wouldn’t want to go back 20 years at all. Every year I’m grateful that it has been better than the last. Life is on the up and up. I’m not wishing to go back, I’m looking forward to next year.
This exact moment? Dude I’m taking a shit.
Oh you too?
Lucky coincidence, 20 years ago, I remember there was this one time I really really wanted to get to the shitter
Fast forward 20 years, and I’m so happy it happened!
Feelz bad for Rich Webster whose life is on a downward spiral.
Higher quality version
It’s the same meme, but younger and fresher.
It’s the same meme from 20 years ago specifically
Weird way of saying every day of existence will get worse.
Thanks now I’m depressed
Now take a second to enjoy it Now."
I did, and now that second is gone forever. Thanks a lot, Webster.
I’ll have the time of my life now so i can rub it in the face of future me!
Nah, if you peak too early you gotta live with the downfall. I’m planning on being the most healthy in my 50s during the second global climate wars.
On a single daily water rat and corpse starch wafers? No gains
I suffer from chronic migraines, in 20 years I hope that is medically solved.
Not to kill the vibe or anything. But I’m depressed as shit right now. If in 20 years shit is so much worse than right now, then I’m going to take a long walk off a short cliff.
This might be true now, but I definitely wouldn’t want to be where I was when I was 20 again. My life back then sucked ass.
I think this all the time. I have trouble being in the moment, but my life right now is possibly the best it’ll ever be. So it’s important that I take the time to be grateful for how things are right now.