It’s an in-depth explanation of rainbows and the physics that create them, much of which contradicts the layperson’s understanding of them. How is the title clickbait if it’s accurate to the content?
Clearly any video that asks a question or implies a strange phenomenon or situation is click bait. See also:chubbyemu videos here
For the record, I do not think these are click bait, if they’re accurate. Or, at least, they’re click bait that actually gives you a worm instead of some shitty rubber faux worm.
Why the hell censoring? Isnt that vertasium video?
Because I’m not advertising for them. I’m mocking their stupid clickbait.
It’s an in-depth explanation of rainbows and the physics that create them, much of which contradicts the layperson’s understanding of them. How is the title clickbait if it’s accurate to the content?
Clearly any video that asks a question or implies a strange phenomenon or situation is click bait. See also:chubbyemu videos here
For the record, I do not think these are click bait, if they’re accurate. Or, at least, they’re click bait that actually gives you a worm instead of some shitty rubber faux worm.
That seems like a gross oversimplification. I wouldn’t agree with that statement at all.
Sorry, to be clear, that line was sarcasm. I agree with you, these videos aren’t click bait.
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
Please tell me about laypersons’ incorrect assumptions about rainbows? Does it have something to do with leprechauns and pots of gold?
It’s explained in the video. I’m not going to entertain your sarcastic bullshit.
I’m not going to watch the video. Lay people don’t have misconceptions about rainbows lol.
Idiot: “Everything you know about rainbows is wrong!”
Everybody: “I literally know nothing about rainbows.”
This is literally a shitpost community. It’s in the actual name.