From what I understand, the military high command supported Yoon even after the assembly voted down martial law. If that’s true, didn’t he have everything to go through with the coup?
From what I understand, the military high command supported Yoon even after the assembly voted down martial law. If that’s true, didn’t he have everything to go through with the coup?
Are you asking how Yoon could have had a better coup?
I don’t support him, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m just curious about sociology and politics. :)
It’s absolutely too early to say what support he had or thought he had.
He didn’t really know for sure, either, I don’t think. That’s why it’s weird to me that he just ‘surrendered’. Was what happened completely legal this way? Can he not go to prison?
It’s absolutely too early to say. The SK courts will bear this out. Anything you’d hear in this forum or the news is just conjecture.
True. I’m not taking any takes here to be definitely true. I was just interested in other people’s perspectives until we get a proper response. :)