I wanted to see what the cheapest 10" tablet on Amazon was.
I guess it’s the one subsidized by North Korea?
Love it! But seriously, I use a crappy $25 Amazon tablet for reading epubs. Great for that alone, sucks for anything else, even simple browsing.
I don’t actually want one, I was just curious due to a conversation I was having. I just bought an eReader as a Christmas present for myself for that purpose. Significantly more than $39, but also probably not a total piece of trash.
I just care about reading, but the colour version was like $10 more than the non-colour version, so I thought what the hell.
I have a last-gen Clara HD. Love it. I copied the internal SD to 32gb, so instantly expanded storage.
Calibre web on desktop, use the built-in browser to pull my books. All good.
If you like to tinker, there’s KOReader and such too.KOReader looks interesting. I’ve been reading about it. Good to hear about the Clara, thanks!
Points for honesty, I guess
In case y’all were wondering what the CPU is like on a $40 budget tablet used for propaganda, evaluation, and inquiry.
For shits and giggles, here is what its performance is like relative to a Ryzen 9 7950X3D. Yes apples and oranges and all that, shitty tablet CPU vs high end gaming desktop CPU.
Really skimped on that RAM. Also, this is the first time I’ve seen RAM shown in gb vs GB. Seems the intentional confusion of megabit vs megabyte continues.
May as well as “Spyware Free” in there too. They’re probably just trying to add buzzwords to get that generic “office purchaser” selection
Keyword spamming broke search.
that sounds like a perfect gift for a senator, governer, representative
If you want more people dead, hire more police.
I wonder if you could buy it and flash some other OS on it or if it has hardware level spying stuff.