Basically any word or short phrase I can think of to mean “a lot of muscle” also implies skinny or almost no fat. Fit, or lithe bring to mind more a track athlete’s body, and buff, ripped, jacked, muscular, ect. generally are though of more like a body builder. The closest thing I can think of is dad-bod but thats obviously still pretty far off as well as being male-specific. Is there even an English word for this?
Stocky, stout, barrel-chested? I’d say “buff” would fit, too, it definitely allows more leeway for bodyfat content than words like “athletic” or “ripped”. Also just the good old “very strong”.
“Dad-bod” seems like the worst of these, it can mean anything from “off-season bodybuilder” to “some guy who is kind of fat and isn’t particularly strong”.
The english word for it is power-lifter
“built like a brick shit house”
“Off-season body builder”
My friends and I like to say “built like a shit brick house”
Jacked as fuck
“stout” is the first that comes to mind and isn’t immediately discarded. But because those other forms are so easy to call to mind I’d rather describe the power-lifter as they differ from those norms.
“He was no body-builder. Powerful, yes, but he had traded aesthetics for even more strength. Muscles built upon muscles like layers of a brick house, and nearly as solid.”
Fit and padded. I think if you call it a powerlifter build that’s a good description in itself.
“Yoked to the max”
(Or just “yoked”)
Chonky. Not chunky, chonky.
Strongman-build? Barrel-chested?
I’ve actually seen people use the word “powerlifter” for this purpose. Id est using it to describe someone’s physical build even if they are not a full-on powerlifter.
‘gross’ is the first thing that pops in my head.
Wow, very nice and irrelevant opinion. Thank you :)