• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Whether anyone likes it or not, Trump will be the US President for the next four years. For businesses, especially large ones, that means they will need to deal with his shit for the next four years. They can either take a “principled stand”, which will likely hurt profit and not gain them anything tangible (read: money); or, they can suck up and try to get in on the grift gravy train which is going to be running out of the White House for the next four years. This has a much better expected value. So, the choice is pretty clear. Businesses are amoral and only care about profit, don’t count on them to do anything which runs contrary to that motivation.

    For politicians, especially those on the right, the calculus is about the same. Trump has basically been the flag bearer for the right for the last decade and will continue to be the center of the right for the next four years. Where is a GOP politician is going to seek electoral support? No one on the left is voting for a GOP candidate, swing voters are damned near a myth at this point in history; so, that leaves seeking votes from the right. Which brings the politicians right back to Trump. Not sucking up is political suicide for a GOP politician right now. Expect more DeSantis style embracing of Trump and more Susan Collins “I’m voting with Trump, but pretending I won’t just long enough to keep my seat in Maine”.