• Can someone explain what the point of limiting yourself to just using 60% of the batteries capacity is, if all you seem to be getting out of it is it staying above 80-90% after several years? Which is far more than you were using anyway?

    I have my current Oneplus for well over 3,5 years now, and I never bothered with the battery capacity. I always plug it into the fast charger that came with it overnight.

    Battery capacity really is still completely fine. I don’t run out during the day and if it does get close (if I’m very heavily using it) I plug it in for 10 minutes and get like half a charge. Which all seems like less effort than I would have to do to keep the battery within 20-80%?

    If the battery does end up failing I can just have it replaced, doesn’t really cost that much either. But so far it seems the built-in battery protections work just fine.