Boomer ass post
Can we add a picture of all the european aristrocrats who felt so insecure about their dick-measuring contests among their inbred cousins that they needed to send millions of people to their deaths and all that shit mentioned in the upper panel?
I mean are we speaking about the same men, who would have had a panic attack if they saw black people using the same bathroom as them? Because i am pretty sure that is even more pathetic.
More like genocide, authoritarianism and natural disasters.
“We used to deal with real shit” aight grandpa we got it you can go sleep and dwell on it again now.
which natural disasters were there during ww1?
There was the Spanish Flu if pandemics count
man back then: couldn’t deal with a traincar comming to a screeching halt, loud sounds, not having a job. Huge pussies despite fighting in a literal war.
men today: choose to stand up against the rigid societal expectations, warriors in the true sense of the word. afraid of loud sounds, not having a job.
Fun fact: the US prison population has increased EXPONENTIALLY since the 1980s and the quality of life in prisons has decreased significantly. People who have not been found guilty and are awaiting trial (can take multiple years for a trail to happen) are imprisoned if they cannot afford bail. In many cases, inmates have been fed things labeled not for human consumption. We now have things like mandatory minimum sentences where the judge can’t use their discretion in whether or not to jail someone.
Why do this, you ask? That’s simple, free or very low cost labor! Prisoners are paid pennies on the dollar to do various jobs so that corporations can maximize profits. They have to work these jobs in order to afford basic nececities like toothpaste, and some prisons even charge you to stay in them.
The US has the biggest imprisoned population in the world by a very long shot despite only being 7% of the world population.
Yes because as we all know soldiers never have PTSD or anything. /s
That’s you in the lower panel, right?
Removed by mod
Get fucked.
No matter how many down votes these liberal babies give you OP, it doesn’t change the fact that you are correct. Thanks for posting something honest on this cesspool of infants.
In everyday reality, they cannot downvote or ban you in on the streets, so cheers to us!
I hope you’re happy about electing a nazi. maybe some of us are babies, but at least we aren’t evil :)
You are so bloody bored with your life and filled with the internet rage.
You wreak of liberal media bs. Try living through George Bush, who started 2 fucking wars that sent 100,000 civilians to their graves.
You are possibly the most degenerate generation to ever walk this earth. Having never lived with real evil people in your life, you live in a world with your cell phone shoved so far up your asshole.
Now fuck off and let the adults do the thinking.
You are right about me not living through the Bush era. I have never experienced anything like that.
However, I believe that trump and the rest of his administration are evil. I mean… Just look at what he’s already done today… Pardoned participants at the Jan 16 riot, killed DEI, trying to kill off anything LGBTQ+, climate, etc.
Sure, Trump hasn’t started any wars, even during his last term, which is great. But just because he didn’t do the worst thing possible, doesn’t mean he’s not evil. Every single executive order he’s signed or revoked today doesn’t benefit us. In fact, they will only make our planet, OUR life worse.
I do agree with you about my generation though. there are tons of morons.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that Trump is grifting people now. And his little henchman showed proof that he’s a nazi live on stage today.
You both are making such massive assumptions about the other, with these grand sweeping accusations, that I can’t tell if this is satire.
I lived through George Bush, and then Obama. Yeah, we fought a war. The US was at war before either Bush took the reins, and we were still at war after Obama left office. Yeah, hundreds of thousands of innocents died. Shits no different today. We just had a guy assassinated for profiting off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of US citizens by denying care they were entitled to. No different than the war profiteering of yore or today, but far more impactful on the actual lives of most here in the USA I’d wager.
Evil people exist fucking everywhere, take a gander at your local sex offender registry. Usually has a map.
“Most degenerate generation”? Come on, if they’re too young to remember Bush they haven’t even had enough time to make a difference. All the shit you see in the world is two generations removed from them. Look at every person in high government; nearly all of them are over 50 years old. Last time I checked, the oldest gen Z person is half that in age.
Neither of you are making adult arguments, and are reducing yourselves to insults to feign a superior argument. Ya know, the same tactics kids at recess use.
My intent to post it was how some many people regardless of the time in history or today are really living in horrible conditions. And I will never understand how some people get so upset over the nerve that someone would have a different opinion than them. Do they really think Utopia is everyone thinking the very same about every issue.
First of all, hear me out. Second of all…this meme is kindish truish. I am not speaking about trans/gay folk now tho, because gues what, back then constantly bullied people ended similiarily to today. But we do have a problem of acting like a victim being somewhat default today. People have neither security nor confidence and thus we end with…this. We glorify weakness and this sucks.
Yes, if you promote the idea of victim groups… you will naturally have more victims. Simple logic