• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • What ever happened to just talking to people? Why can’t we change our language to fit the circumstances at hand instead of trying to find one size all solutions? Even among FTM or Non-binary individuals there’s no agreement. Some are fine with pregnant woman, some what pregnant person/individual, some want to be referred to as a pregnant man! I dont need to agree with any of that to honor the person in front of me and use their preferred term. Just tell me! Don’t assume malice where mistake is probably more likely.

    I’m teaching my child to give others grace. Correct others who may mess up his pronouns. If they refuse to try to change then you can be offended. However, understanding that most people are just creatures of habit and don’t understand how the other person feels goes a long way towards the end goal of mutual respect. Instantly chastising them and assuming ill intent does not. Speak up for yourself and try to be respectful until its clear the other person isnt willing to be respectful back.

  • To be clear.

    1. By wierd I simply meant Pregnant People sounds too illliteritive and when abbreviated (as happens in the medical field) it becomes PP which just sounds silly. Pregnant individuals would maybe be better but just The Pregnant or Pregnant is enough.

    2. Yes i could have phrased things better. Assigned Female at Birth instead of biological female for example.

    3. My main point is not that my opinions are better then the opinion of the OP or anyone else but that insta banning and assuming hate does nothing to help the cause. We should be able to just talk to eachother and ask questions and come to some sort of agreement (even if its agree to disagree). Insta banning is not an appropriate response here.