Lots of typical US individualism and non-answers in this thread. Freedom Road Socialist Organisation and Party for Social Liberation both are principled ML organisations. The former has a competent agitation platform on Fight Back News and the latter organised lots of protests with their A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition recently and is an actual party. Yes both have their problems.
But both have contact and join forms on their websites, and communist organisations are always starved of active members so any help will be appreciated and they’ll probably know how you could do something in your area. Try to contact/join both, that way if either takes too long you guarantee a higher chance of response. Read both their programmes. And don’t be sectarian.
If you’re feeling spicy there could also be an SRA chapter near you. Besides that if you ever go to any protest or action, try to ask around which organisations people are part of and hang out with the most dedicated ones. Even if they’re in something like the DSA, you don’t need to join them to work with them. And again, communists orgs are always starved of good members who want to do something.
If you want something visual, this short video (15:12) gives a more practical explanation for labour theory of value.
This relatively short section of “Wage Labour and Capital” addresses the specific issue of how labour value translates into prices in a straightforward way.