You are going to wake up to realizing you know nothing about everything.
I wish I had your optimism about humanity.
You are going to wake up to realizing you know nothing about everything.
I wish I had your optimism about humanity.
Don’t underestimate the amount of people that vote strictly based off culture war bullshit as well. I’m Canadian and I see a lot of working class people that happily vote for the cons to fight “wokeness” and “dei” because god forbid non white/straight people exist. Seen lots of comments complaining about how white people are “villainized” etc in my local sub (yes I still use reddit for niche stuff that isn’t here) and tons of dog whistles about minorities, especially us indigenous people.
As long as they target people they don’t like, an unfortunate amount of people will happily vote against their own interest just in the hope of making “the wrong people” have a shittier life.
Asking this question on lemmy is like going to a Linux comm and asking if it’s a good idea to switch from windows to Linux. You’re preaching (asking?) to the choir.
That said, eat the fucking rich.
And because random social media people spout conspiracies about it and clearly they’re more educated on the topic than actual trained professionals.
I don’t use twitter (never have tbh) so I’ve only ever seen screenshots of his more infamous tweets, but I have listened to a LOT of his startalk podcast. Most of the time he’s an entertaining person and seems to admit when he doesn’t know enough about a given subject (although I’ve seen a lot of criticism that he does tend to talk about things he doesn’t know, it doesn’t seem to be that way in the podcast at least)
He can be annoying in some of his podcasts though and you can feel his guests being diplomatic about it while still hearing a bit of annoyance in their voice or next sentence etc. But overall I rather quite like him, despite the Internet’s disdain for him.
More people making science popular and easily digestible is always a good thing IMO. But I’m also biased because I’ve really liked NDT since I was a kid due to seeing him in space documentaries when I was young, and I still love his version of Cosmos.