I’m always confused when this crap happens. How can a court even block a strike? It isn’t like they can force people to go to work. If they decided to just not show up for work anyways what would the court do?
It’s just a betavoltaic cell using carbon-14. The science here isn’t really anything new outside of isolating that much carbon-14 and turning it into a diamond. Also it’s going to produce next to no power. With betavoltaics the more active the radiation source, the more power you get and the faster it depletes. Carbon-14 is radioactive but only barely. Considering even shortlived betavoltaics only produce microamps at less than 3 volts even when brand new, I’m guessing they had some really sensitive sensors in use here to even detect any power being output by the carbon-14 cells.
They took the ebike into central park and got away on foot from there. I doubt they’re the one that rented the bike or if they did, they did it with fake info and a prepaid card. Once they got to central park they probably swapped into a new set of clothes out of that backpack and disapeared.
Nah, Ukraine has already shown the world how regular consumer grade drones can be used as very effective military grade weapons. No need for a roadside IED when you can fly the IED right to their face.
That’s kind of where I’m at right now. He is the best person to be working a bad job.
As far as the higher power coming down and fixing things, I am hoping for that. That higher power being our government. The only way things are going to improve is with proper oversight and accountability which can’t come from within. As it is the rotten system isn’t going to un-rot itself. The few decent cops out there are more likely to be fired for it than to change anything. The change needs to be forced upon them from the outside.