truth warrior fighting against the forces of oppression and ai and control and also hillary clinton in a world gone mad patriot defender of our great nation AMERICA and freeze peach
warning my content may be triggering to snowflakes and libtards so proceed with caution
i dont want to argue but i do want to get the last word in
what no gary is the badguythem here
the rules arent being applied fairly we both called each other g*y but only i got banned
Blahaj zone is mental illness. Performative hand wringing is what they do apparently.
what do you mean
youve lost an original nowhere
i got banned from both and due to telling the truth and being a patriot so thats why i started this free speech truth telling community so legally speaking this is not a shitpost its a truthpost®
hi please dm me im wondering what your patriots problem is
my attempt at getting banned by blahaj do you patriot think it will work
does that mean youre going to take my excellent advice
no but ive met several people who were dogs so thats a perfect gatemaxing lie let me try it
people cannot be dogs
apology accepted thank you
who the fuck are you
this is acceptable and not considered a violation of rule 3 tfkirp
oh yeah well im going to give you a secret ban
stop guessing
its hard to admit it but its the only thing that makes sense the deepstate mustve gotten to them and corrupted their soul or offered them several dollars maybe
thats fine