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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Religious views of trans people in Iran are particularly interesting. Though it is an Islamic theocracy where being gay is explicitly against the law, being trans is narrowly accepted. Gender reassignment surgery is legal and formal gender recognition after the procedure is supported by the theocracy. The fact that being gay is potentially punishable by death can lead to people choosing gender reassignment rather than execution. The government’s strict belief that there are no sexual minorities in the country leads to an oddly absolute acceptance of the gender of trans people.

  • Less people being in debt adds value. It allows them to do things like buy houses and have kids.

    Let’s not pretend that these loans aren’t exploitive and extortionate. Accounting for inflation, costs of a college education have tripled in the last 60 years. Federal loan interest can be up to 8% and private loan interest can be up to 18%. A doctor can stay ahead of that with their salary, but not all jobs necessary for society pay enough to do so; teachers for example.

    College is necessary on a societal level. A modern nation cannot function without the highly educated.

    As far as personal responsibility, it is a reality that someone cannot know if they will be capable of completing a degree without trying. Some inevitably prove unable to do so and are stuck with debts they have no means to pay. Normally one could declare bankruptcy but student borrowers are denied this resolution. Should we just accept that a certain number of people will be fucked for the rest of their lives for the benefit of society?

  • Bullshit. Doctors aren’t going to let people die from lack of care just to make more money. They are one of the few jobs where ethics are essential.

    But you don’t really care about any real discussion do you? You just don’t like the idea that someone else might get something for free that you didn’t. It’s that kind of attitude that holds civilization back.

    The government pays for all kinds of things you don’t use with your taxes. You pay for roads you don’t drive on. You pay for fires to be put out at other people’s homes. You pay for the education of children that aren’t yours. Fucking get over it.