Hello, my name is Cris. :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Not the person you’re replying to but wanted to share my 2 cents

    You might consider keeping things broad given how small a platform lemmy is and how niche the subject matter is. I like the idea of them being separate but splitting community more than strictly necessary runs the risk of the community dieing without enough people having things to post. You can always acknowledge future plans to split, and make it two separate communities in the future

    Ultimately you know best what kinda space you wanna make and how you wanna go about it, I just think your community idea is neat and wanna see it reach a stable number of active users :)

    Hope you have a great day!

  • Sounds a like a combination of fear of failure and anxiety around social settings. Failure should be, and usually is, a part of learning, which is something I’m working on internalizing for myself 😅 but it sounds like you’re also putting a lot of pressure on yourself not to make any mistakes, which is unrealistic and also sets you up for immediate failure if you get into your own head about it.

    Generally the answer to any fear related issues is exposure. If that idea is horrifying then its especially important, and you’ll need to start small. But letting yourself experience the source of fear enough times for your anxiety to go up, observe the way it comes back down and that you’re okay, and you start to feel safer in that kind of experience

    But if you do too much at once you’ll often make the problem worse. If you’ve got good friends you can ask, maybe share what you’re having a hard time with, and see if y’all can learn origami together or something with people you consider safe. Feel out the anxiety, and when you fail, notice that you’re stjll okay :)

    Investigating fear of failure and exposure therapy online may yeild helpful that really helps with perspective and practical approaches to dealing with what you’re facing

    Sending love and hugs, thats a crap experience

  • As much as I’d like that to be true, I’ve definitely still seen vegan spaces online that are intensely alienating and hostile 😅 when I was using reddit, often anything from r/vegan that hit r/all was pretty hostile to anyone who hadn’t already decided it was an important issue for them and made big lifestyle changes accordingly, adopting veganism.

    To be totally honest I’ve also never seen any beef industry propaganda encouraging people to hate vegans or resent veganism. If you can think of any examples off the top of your head I’d be curious to see them (if nothing comes to mind thats fine, I don’t intend that as a gotcha)

    I’m not vegan (grew up with an eating disorder, not in any position to cut stuff out of my diet or make eating more complicated/difficult, though I have a lot of respect for vegan ethics) but I am a big nerd about open source stuff and linux, and I’ve observed similar things in that space. I have a friend who’s averse to open source stuff because folks have evangelized to her aggressively and with the same sort of superiority complex many folks perceive vegans as having. I’m grateful she’s excited to listen to me talk about the stuff I’m excited about anyway these days, but I’m careful not to make her feel pressured to drop proprietary software she’s using for open alternatives because I want her to feel respected even though she’s not invested in this thing I care about a whole lot

    I think when you work hard to adopt a big change for reasons you’re proud of, it’s easy to view yourself as superior for having learned the thing, or made the dietary change

  • I think it’s clear you have never experienced being sexualized when you weren’t okay with it. It’s a pretty upsetting experience that can feel pretty violating. And as most guys rarely if ever experience being sexualized, never mind when they don’t want to be, I’m not surprised people might be unable to emphasize

    Having experienced being sexualized when I wasn’t comfortable with it, this kind of thing makes me kinda sick to be honest. People are used to having a reasonable expectation that posting safe for work pictures online isn’t inviting being sexualized. And that it would almost never be turned into pornographic material featuring their likeness, whether it was previously possible with Photoshop or not.

    It’s not surprising people would find the loss of that reasonable assumption discomforting given how uncomfortable it is to be sexualized when you don’t want to be. How uncomfortable a thought it is that you can just be going about your life and minding your own business, and it will now be convenient and easy to produce realistic porn featuring your likeness, at will, with no need for uncommon skills not everyone has

  • Brave uses its own index. It used to be supplemented with results from other engines but I believe they have now phased that out.

    Brave is the best of the free options in my experience, and it supports “bangs” which let’s you send your querry to a different engine (typing “how far is it to the sun !g” will pass the search to google. Duckduckgo also supports bangs), this is especially helpful for image searches (!gi for google images) since braves image search sucks dogshit 😅

    Quant seemed like the second best free option in my experience. Some people don’t like brave as a company for various reasons, so quant may be a good option for those folks. Its my understanding that Mozilla has worked with quant in some way, which is kinda neat.

    Both have their own index making them a sustainable/viable option going forward, where meta search engines that use other engine’s results are at the whim of those they fetch the results from (but may provide better results by piggybacking off a larger successful engine)