Don’t Think, Just Jam

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • I see people are quick to lash out for a place called “No Stupid Questions”… I don’t know if OP is trolling or not but I can kind of understand where they’re coming from (or at least I think I do).

    I grew up at a place and time where any info about LGBT+ was nonexistent, let alone having a chance of interacting with someone open about being part of that community. If your environment/life consist of a homogenized culture and view of the world, seeing tons of people “suddenly becoming trans” can be quite a shock. People don’t deal well with shock.

    Hell, it has been years since I got out of my bubble and become aware of LGBT+ and I still had a bit of a shock (not a bad one, just in “surprise!” kind of way) when a content creator I’ve watched from time to time came out as trans.

    I don’t necessarily think this question was asked in a bad faith but rather from position of ignorance - ignorance that could and should be dealt with in a productive manner. Throwing around accusations won’t help anyone and if OP is really trying to understand the situation, blowing up on them can lead to a negative outcome instead. Come on people, let’s do better.

    As for the question: is right - it’s not “people turning trans”, it’s “people not hiding anymore”. World isn’t the same as it was a decade ago and as society becomes more accepting, people are less likely to hide their sexuality, identity etc.

    Regret is always a possibility, whatever the choice. Is it likely? Statistically speaking, I don’t think so (though I can’t find the research I’ve seen about this topic at the moment). You have to keep in mind that transition is not a simple or fast process and people don’t do it on a whim.

    On the other hand, this might lead to serious improvements in both mental health and general qualityof life as people don’t have to deal with a body and “self” they don’t feel comfortable with.

    I’m no expert on this topic but I hope this helps at least a little bit.