• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • So, another way to think about it is with Kites.

    The air flows around it the same way it would any other kind of aircraft, though they have effectively zero ground speed.

    They do differ in that, being tethered, they’re pulled through the air, with the wind providing the energy to stay up.

    But they’re still moving through the air, and the airfoils are inducing drag to convert some of that energy into lift.

    In both cases, the important speed is relative to the air, not the ground and not the treadmill. The wheels might impart some drag while they’re on the ground, but they’re never going to impart enough to overpower the engines- 747s typically take off at about 75% of their rated take off power, which means a longer take off roll, but less wear and tear.

  • From the included article-

    When it’s time to mate, eels are very determined to make it to their breeding site at the Sargasso Sea. The Sargasso Sea, a two-million-square-mile span of ocean,  is the site in which all freshwater eels mate

    It’s way the hell down there in the article, though. Apparently they travel to freshwater as larva.

    Eels are freaking weird, man.

  • A stationary aeroplane on a treadmill will obviously move with the treadmill. I assume an aeroplane moving at like 1 km/h still gets pulled backward by the treadmill.

    so, every wheel or ball or any other kind of rolling-thing has rolling resistance, which is how we sum up the total drag on the system. A steel ball bearing on a steel plate will have a significantly lower rolling resistance than, say, a steel cube on that same plate. Tires have some- but not a lot- of rolling resistance.

    You can see that in a car, just put it into neutral and watch as you slow down, even on flat ground. Plane wheels also have rolling resistance. it’s just the way our world works. But it’s generally ignored because it’s hard to model perfectly and in any case pretty negligible relative to the amount of acceleration being put out by modern aircraft engines.

    A treadmill will only push an aircraft or whatever else along, with an acceleration that is equal to, or lower, than the rolling resistance. If you try to accelerate the plane faster, it’ll ‘slip’, and the plane will remain largely stationary- like the dishes in the tablecloth trick (if you want to try that at home… make sure the tablecloth doesn’t have a hem, heh.)

    But, keep in mind you’re thinking about the plane relative to either the ground, or the treadmill’s belt.

    the plane’s wings and it’s engines are ‘thinking’ about the plane relative to the air it’s moving through. It’s the airspeed that generates the lift, and the engine isn’t coupled to the wheels, they’re just rolling along doing their thing. (aircraft engines work by taking a volume of air and accelerating it. newton’s equal-and-opposite does the rest.)

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzMythbusters
    4 days ago

    My favorite is planes on a treadmill.

    Mostly because fans still argue about it and it’s hit the point they had to ban PoaT comments.

    Which is insane as it’s not that difficult to understand. When a plane is on the ground, its gear/wheels will roll at ground speed, but the wings provide lift at airspeed.

    If the ground is being moved under the plane (as on a treadmill,) the wheels will just roll faster.

    Sure they’re not zero friction and some of that needs to be overcome; but this is something encountered on a daily basis all across the world- or rather, the opposite.

    If the wind is coming from ahead, its airspeed is increased and the plane needs a lower ground speed to get into the air where if the wind is coming from behind, then they need more.

    (This is why carriers set course into the wind when launching jets,)

    At no point is ground speed and airspeed necessarily the same (i suppose you could have a calm day, but most days, the wind is blowing at least some.)