unsure if this is bait, what kinds of themes do you like about conservatism, other than a specific artist?
Golden Numeromancer.
unsure if this is bait, what kinds of themes do you like about conservatism, other than a specific artist?
back up your phone on pc, delete it once you realise you don’t need it anymore.
that is the left in a nutshell lol
i would personally like to see a trial held similar to Nuremberg, these people need to have their crimes vocalised.
not them but yes, but i doubt the grocery prices are post covid. i buy very similar (cheap shitty) products and this would be much closer to 100 aud these days
it is a slogan calling for an eradication of the extremely influential and powerful, to redistribute their wealth and return it to those whom it was stolen from.
(just don’t use reddit)
for giving more words in an article about a shakespear play in a netball setting than a genocide.
actually i dont think abc are allowed to use that word, a bit too bipartisan
jfc the abc is commercial shit
lol, ill be honest i just got so fed up i just system reset and installed lineage during a hangover, kinda fucked me over for a day or two but i got accustomed.
probs gonna move over to graphene soon, unsure if its my phone or what but i got some real annoying bugs on lineage.