All toothbrushes I have seen come with a hard case, so I don’t think that’s a big issue
All toothbrushes I have seen come with a hard case, so I don’t think that’s a big issue
On the last camping trip I was on, someone brought a small coffee maker. Absolute genius. If you think that shitty instant coffee is a god-send when the local wildlife wakes you up after 5h of sleep, the imagine that with a real coffee.
I’ve recently started to throw a mini screwdriver set into my laptop bag. I can even fit a small pocket knife and a bit of soldering tin into its case. Obviously not a good idea for flying, but it has been useful a few times.
I also keep some crappy headphones in that bag. Priceless if someone around you in public transport is being annoying.
It is more about being able to constantly spy on everyone. Funny how this exact sentence would have labeled one as a conspiracy nut not too long ago.
Constantly online means constant (more or less) analytics, means constant data to throw in the big computer to make you buy more shit or vote for the shit party.
Honestly, if you look at the world and go “ah yes, majority wiccan”, idk how to help you. Probably by telling you to stop trolling.
That actually sounds quite sane, except the not willing to use weapons part. I would have assumed that would get one straight to alternative service
So, if you are the hyper-manly chest hair and leather jackets gay, you get drafted?
Signal runs just fine without play services for me. It does drain quite a bit of battery without cloud messaging, but that is to be excepted since it needs to keep its own connection up in that case
What is the ping supposed to be like in mycelial networks? I seem to have congestion issues in mine
I am outside of the US, and I do care. Biggest army and economy and so on. Even if not, I would not want to be associated with, idk, Australian wannabe tyrants either.
And just like with dehydration, drinking too much water at once will be bad
Yes, but only the social media that paid to be included in the plan in the first place. That just continues monopolies.
It is literally a fork of uBO
Let me say it plainly, you have been cheated out of growing up. Parents, teachers, they all have a duty to care for people in their, well, care. That is pretty fucked up.
I was the weird kid once, I’m still a weird adult, but I was super lucky to have family and teachers that cared. I’ve seen lots of people with lots of mental issues that “turned out fine”, whatever that might be. Your experience is not the norm. I have a hard time imagining what went on in your parents’ heads. Some people are just genuinely bad people, I am sorry that you had to grow up with those.
You know what sounds good? You seem to move from the self-hate towards hating those who caused you harm. Still not the best state of mind, but a lot better, trust me.
Just from the random rant you post here, you don’t seem to be too dumb. Coherent sentences and all that. It’s a low bar, I know, but I’m not making fun of you, there are millions of people around you who would not clear it. Trust me, there are people that would consider stacking the shelves at the supermarket an intellectual challenge.
So, yeah. The past is only going to get you so far. You’re still here, for whatever reason you haven’t jumped off a bridge yet. This is going to sound like “don’t be sad, lol”. But you’re (probably) young, seem to be physically mostly ok, and you’re not dumb. Maybe, every now and then, spend some time thinking about what to do with that. They say the best revenge is a life well lived.
This is funny, just yesterday I randomly found phones with built-in VHF/UHF radios on Aliexpress. To be fair, they look super clunky and are very expensive for off-brand Chinese phones ($800+), but they do exist. I wonder who buys them.
I have gotten used to coffee and desert. I am officially an old man now.
However, the Italians/French are onto something, an espresso after lunch is great. It gives you half an hour or so of slacking off and then the caffeine kicks in.
Alright, let me finish my beer and then we throw hands. Belgian beer is meh.
They are already getting more. They want more more.
Honestly? Cool that you are asking, but I just want a coffee, not a conversation.
Yes, I’m German, how could you tell?