• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Economic despair, political instability, and rampant nationalism are key conditions that facilitated the rise of Nazis in post-World War I Germany and are similarly contributing to the resurgence of such ideologies today. Modern times have seen these conditions fostering the rise of leaders like Donald Trump, where both he and historical figures like Hitler capitalized on themes of national decline, utilized nationalist rhetoric, exploited fears about outsiders and minorities, and exhibited authoritarian tendencies. This recurrence of historical patterns underscores how past ideologies can be revived, shaping contemporary political climates and contributing to the emergence of movements that mirror the early 20th-century Nazi regime.

  • It’s not as big of an issue as it might seem. While you might hear about it online, I’ve never encountered someone who genuinely fixates on height in person.

    This could be a form of avoidance. Sometimes, people might lie or exaggerate to steer clear of conflict, rejection, or negative judgment. This behavior is particularly common among those who’ve experienced trauma and become hyper-vigilant about how others perceive them. Past negative experiences might have created a narrative where you felt undesired or unloved, leading to concerns about things like height, even though that might not be the true source of the problem.

    If it’s a common thing, maybe talk to a professional, but one-offs are fine. Don’t carry someone else’s baggage.


    In relationships and social interactions, such tendencies might arise as a way to control the narrative and feel safer in interpersonal dynamics.

  • You would know better than I do. Everything I see here is internal, though—an amalgamation of the grievances some men might express online. If these issues are legitimate, you should seriously consider the advice you come across. If it helps you at all, then keep posting

    Edit: I didn’t really give it much thought because I found it hard to believe that anyone could take these seriously. However, all you really need is confidence, which to me means loving yourself.