• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024


  • Your lies are only convincing to reactionaries who want to prevent emancipations.

    You conflate Palestine with Hamas, because you oppose the emancipation of the Palestinian people from the yoke of collective punishment and oppression just like every reactionary counterrevolution would.

    You adopt the language of emancipation to appeal to non-reactionaries, but you don’t believe or understand it. Conservatism is a cargo-cult ideology that must constantly react to the emancipatory actions of the left by taking their arguments and twisting them into a macabre parody in defense of the powerful.

  • I’m not going to play your stupid little game.

    We all know that you value conformity over collective action like every counterrevolutionary in history.

    It’s the whole reason you post sources conflating people protesting the university’s material support of genocide with terrorists.

    You are not making any kind of point about political freedom, or protest, or values. Here’s a hint: the students were planning on getting arrested. That’s how civil disobedience works: by making the people who hold power overreact to the collective action, thereby swaying public opinion.

    This is a clear win for the protesters, because reactionaries simply cannot help showing their asses, and they must stand against emancipations or their backwards ideology will have to shift further to accommodate the revolutionary ideas that they’re constantly opposing.

    It’s so telling that conservatives care more about “property damage” than genocide.

  • And once again when conservatives are confronted with speech they disagree with the response is to demand their arrest.

    Almost like they don’t actually value free speech as much as they value controlling their political opponents: those demanding the emancipation of an imprisoned population being starved to death.

    It’s a big reason Trump became popular with them: he promised to lock up his political opponent.

    Just more fascist trash from people who don’t care to understand the world as it is, so they soak up right-wing propaganda telling them the scary leftists are out ruin “their” country.

    Reactionaries want to take away your freedom to stand up to political violence and collective punishment; gee, I wonder why?

  • In February 2019, The Western Journal published an article which alleged “Climate Change ‘Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation.” Scientists criticized the article, saying it was deceptive and that it contradicted existing research. The Western Journal subsequently retracted the article.

    In November 2021, a study by the Center for Countering Digital Hate described The Western Journal as being among “ten fringe publishers” that together were responsible for nearly 70 percent of Facebook user interactions with content that denied climate change.

    What a cool source! Did the Epoch Times or Not The Onion skip this story?

    It’s so fuckin’ funny how conservatives simultaneously hate when entertainers dive into politics (shut up and dribble!) but then go into full dick-rider mode when a conservative entertainer says something they agree with.

    It’s why they keep electing actors to be president: they have no substance, so they have to go with someone who performs the part of a “reformer” while just handing the keys of the country over to the billionaire class.

    And let me preemptively argue Neuromancer’s point for them:

    “No, you.”

  • I don’t know they are republicans.

    I do know the battle flag represents democrats. Democrats wanted to keep slavery and the republicans defeated them.

    What a smart take! I’m sure that ANTIFA is behind this, those sly devils!

    Look behind you, it’s a false flag!

    You sure came out of this exchange looking like you want to have an honest conversation about serious things. I’m sure all the people buying traitor merch outside GOP rally venues are all in on the elaborate ruse.

    Wow, it’s so obvious once I started to think about it! I just have to assume all of the racist backwards dipshits are all Democrats! The scales have fallen from my eyes, and now I see the world as it truly is.

    What a blessed day.

  • So you believe fascist propaganda.

    Woah, who would have thought???

    You may have noticed that Biden refused that endorsement.

    Did you miss how Trump said that there were very fine people marching with the Nazis in Charlottesville?

    Or how David Duke endorsed him in 2016?

    Or how he had noted anti-semite Kanye West and white-supremicist Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes over for a lovely dinner?

    Or how he said that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country?”

    Or how he wanted to ban people of a certain religion from entering the country?

    Or how he said that a judge couldn’t possibly be impartial because of his Mexican ancestry?

    Or how he kept claiming that Obama wasn’t born in this country for some reason?

    Or how he tried to retain power in defiance of the voters of the United States?

    Or how he intentionally diverted medical supplies away from the people who were likely to vote against him during a pandemic?

    Or how he leaned on the DoJ to drop the cases against him?

    Or how he campaigned on locking up his political opponent?

    Or how he encouraged police to use excess force when arresting a suspect?

    Or how he encouraged his street gang to be ready to instigate violence if the election didn’t go his way?

    Or how he appointed Christian Nationalists to the SCOTUS, overturning a woman’s right to choose her own medical procedures?

    Or how he said he wanted to be a dictator multiple times?

    Yeah, you make a lot of sense.