Are these made by real conspiracy theorists or made as a joke? It’s hard to tell. But the fact that they correctly used further makes me think they’re intelligent.
Are these made by real conspiracy theorists or made as a joke? It’s hard to tell. But the fact that they correctly used further makes me think they’re intelligent.
Do they think that stuff was manufactured and assembled in space and was never on earth at all
I wish I was rich enough to wear a shirt that stupid. I mean I wouldn’t but it would be nice to be that rich.
Wtf do they believe then
It blows my mind that people still think answering and yelling at them is a good idea. Aren’t they usually recordings now anyway?
lol what did it say
Digg still exists?
Aw. We hate you too.
I like a lot of things here better than Reddit. For one thing, I don’t see the stupid buzzwords like literally or cringe in 98% of all posts. There’s no hivemind here…yet. And hopefully there won’t be.
Also not the same 5 memes repeated for 15 years.
Don’t close it. Get permabanned instead. Make those fuckers miserable.
Can you say Luigi lol. Son, you’re required to pledge allegiance to Luigi before every post you make here.
I used to work with a lady who believed the flat earth shit. One day I asked her to explain to me why she believed that. She started sobbing and saying that it was just something she believed and then she ran off to the bathroom.
I later found out that her boyfriend would make her call him as soon as he dropped her off at work and she had to leave the line open so he could listen in on her all day.
Is that really what he looks like? I mean nobody did anything to his eyes?
lol if that’s what you want, semi-literate
Honey, baseball has been around a lot longer than the mid 90s. It’s new. Learn about context.
You have problems expressing yourself plainly, I’ll wager. Read your post again.
Um, nobody said he hasn’t. Um, what’s your point
You… you know typing in your dramatic pauses is a reddit thing, right? We’re all trying to escape that shit.