This was due to the strain on the economy caused by high military spending and sanctions.
I would add the “grass is always greener” effect and the strength of Western propaganda. Easy to become disillusioned when your point of comparison is the story the West tells about itself, not the real thing. I’m reminded of all those posts on RedNote today where Chinese citizens are shocked when they hear “yes it’s actually that bad” from Americans.
Yeah, if your standard for True Communist Party is them stating they’re going to overthrow the government, you’re going to find nothing but fools and feds (in the U.S. at least). We want organizations smart enough not to confess to crimes without even being asked.
The best realistic position is something like “end capitalism,” “build socialism,” or “create a democracy that reflects the will of the people,” etc.
Would recommend The Counter-Revolution of 1776 in particular.
Could have used a cart for the people, the oxygen, or both.