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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2021


  • It’s tricky because higher education is pretty much required to get a job that isn’t mediocre or soul destroying, BUT it’s also not a guarantee either. I had co-workers with degrees working the same retail job and making the same money as me with no college degree, with them still having thousands of student loan debt in their 30s. They were basically forcibly trapped at that job having to deal with the shitty boss due to having to pay their loans while I was able to quit and look for something else at my leisure. So all in all no, I do NOT recommend going to college blindly for it’s own sake, go only if you have a very clear idea of the specific job you actually want, that you actually want the job you think you want, and that you will actually be able to get that job.

    1. The US benefited greatly in the 19th and early 20th century from Europe’s brain drain due to the wars and what not. After WW2 that tapered off, and recently the US has becoming far less attractive to educated Asian immigrants as well.

    2. Getting high on their own pro-capitalist bullshit they spewed during the Cold war, which resulted in things like Reaganomics and massive corporate deregulation. As we know, corporations tend not to care about what’s good for the people at large.

    3. Placing all their attention, money and concern towards playing power games abroad and not giving a shit about smaller domestic issues, which is exactly opposite to the approach China has been taking the last few decades. Examples include Bush’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the amount of money being wasted on programs like the F-35, and all the money going towards USAID for the sake of funding color revolutions, which Trump finally just now cut out of necessity.

  • Well one reason a lot of the most ideologically dedicated communists were the first to die fighting the Nazis and the USSR was forced to lower their standards of who was let in order to win the war. China today by contrast has a massive population it can easily afford to cherry pick from. Another is the very chaotic manner in which the USSR emerged, trying to remove every impure individual and faction would of meant a longer civil war which couldn’t be afforded with Western powers on the doorstep, things needed to start getting rebuilt asap and to do that you eventually need to make peace and confederate with some less desirables, which there were plenty of given that the USSR had just emerged out of the reactionary remains of the Russian Empire.