• 7 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • Just one example of the lies and misinformation out there:

    Smart people I know believe that we have to go Nuclear because it’s the only green way to achieve baseload.

    When press on what baseload is, they seem to think it’s the minimum amount of power needed to keep the grid up.

    Which for anyone listening in, is backwards, baseload is actually the minimum amount of load required because it’s un-economical to spin old coal burners down. That’s why people used to heat their water at night on the cheap, because the power HAD to go somewhere.

    And these are smart people, just disinterested in the how and why of electricity generation.
    They flick a switch, the lights come on.
    Every 3 months they pay a bill and tut-tut about how expensive it is now “because of the green obsession”.

  • Let me paraphrase the LNP here:
    “Private companies have researched Nuclear and decided it’s not cost effective.”
    “Financial institutions have investigated Nuclear and decided they WILL NOT INVEST.”
    “But our financial backers at the Mineral Council and the private companies dragging the last of the profit out of their end of life coal power stations are insisting that we continue with our current market AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, so we’ve decided to announce an extremely long term plan, to scare private investment out of renewables short term.”
    “Don’t worry, between NIMBYs in the target areas, laws surrounding nuclear energy, lack of local expertise and the general unsuitability of Nuclear for our widely dispersed yet small population, we won’t actually build more than one of these things.”
    “Jokes on them, we were only pretending to be retarded.”